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Calendar Automation Issues: Expectation vs. Reality

Nowadays, it is so necessary to have all our activities scheduled during the week. And especially if you are a manager, you do not want to run the risk of missing a meeting with a client, or co-workers or being late for an event. For this, we usually leave all the scheduling responsibilities with some automation calendar.

105 Inspiring Quotes on Teams and Meetings

Meetings are the cornerstone of Productivity. The work of managers requires them to be in meetings with workers and clients. Many well-known personalities have given their opinions about meetings. Here is a collection of exciting and inspiring quotes on Teams and Meetings.

101 Time Management Techniques

How To Manage Your Time Like a Boss. Nowadays, you are busy with so many tasks and responsibilities that you don't know what to do and where to start in order to manage your time. If that's your case, you are not alone.

Meeting Automation - The Game Changer

Do you want to know what will be the winning move for your enterprise with the market today rapidly transitioning and booming with new tech? The Meeting Automation Platform. According to recent studies, meeting automation platforms (MAP) is the next big thing in the market; an industry that is expected to grow by over $3 billion by 2023.

What Time is it on the Moon?

How does time work on the Moon, Space, and Mars, where the Sunrise and Sunset are different from us? Does the Sun even rise and set in space? My humble and mind-bending effort to understand how we can schedule meetings across Time Zones on The Earth, Moon, and Space.

Meeting Automation Platform for Business

Are you one of those people who are busy almost all day, and you need to get organized? Perhaps in your company, you have frequent meetings with your boss and colleagues, or you are managing a group of people. If you are a busy Team Manager, the never-ending difficulties of coordinating meetings with your team or your clients will be a thing of the past. Thanks to AI, the solution is within reach.

101 Quotes on Productivity

Allocating work hours in the most appropriate way and being able to obtain the highest possible productivity from managing time are topics that have always been of great interest to many famous personalities throughout history.

7 Time Management Techniques for Busy Managers

Time management is something we must deal with every day. In the case of managers, they must perform tasks every day and often be in meetings constantly. But they must prioritize those tasks that are of greater importance in their day to day.

A Communication Workshop for Modern Managers

Tips to Communicate with Greater Mastery with JD Schramm (Stanford's Graduate School of Business). Join us on Friday February 25 from 4 to 5 when JD Schramm leads a highly interactive session on how to Communicate with Greater Mastery

My Experience Using Teamcal Ai

Did you have bad experiences with calendars that promise you better results for managing your time? As a manager, you will always need a calendar that can help you to organize your daily job tasks, meetings, and events.