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image of Learn the 3 pillars for great Operation Strategy - Capacity, Location, and Control
Learn the 3 pillars for great Operation Strategy - Capacity, Location, and Control

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Operation Strategy to gain competitive advantage - With Wharton Professor Gerard Cachon. In any Operation, critical strategic decisions must be made that determine process timing, process location, process control, and process flexibility.

image of Raj Lal
Raj Lal

October 26

image of Webinar - Operations Strategy for Competitive Advantage
Webinar - Operations Strategy for Competitive Advantage

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Enhance your critical strategic decisions to gain a competitive advantage. An event for Operation Managers in our exclusive Modern Manager series with Professor Gerard Cachon of Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania.

image of Raj Lal
Raj Lal

October 5

image of 5  Meeting Automation Platforms for Modern Managers
5 Meeting Automation Platforms for Modern Managers

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For some people, morning coffee is what gives them the energy to keep their motivation up; for others, it's their morning meeting. Meetings are the foundation of a company because they bring people together to discuss, negotiate, and brainstorm possibilities for the future.

image of Emily Peng
Emily Peng

September 23

image of The Modern Manager’s Manifesto
The Modern Manager’s Manifesto

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The ancient greek philosopher, Theophrastus, agrees with us when we say that time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. Today we live in the internet-driven era, constantly caught up without any time to spare.

image of Hitasha Mehta
Hitasha Mehta

August 5

image of Meeting Automation in the Digital Age
Meeting Automation in the Digital Age

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Under the impact of Covid 19, humans are moving to a whole new era of Meeting Management. Modern managers need more efficient ways of managing their daily meetings across organizations and calendars.

image of Emily Peng
Emily Peng

August 4

image of The Booming Gig Economy
The Booming Gig Economy

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As technology continues to develop at a lightning pace, digital platforms are more powerful than ever before. The word Gig economy, people can temporarily work for companies in their spare time, is born. “Full-time is out, and the Gig is in.”

image of Emily Peng
Emily Peng

July 16

image of A non-linear work model
A non-linear work model

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The nine-to-five work grind is all set to become ancient history as companies constantly evolve and learn to adapt to the new non-linear work approach.

image of Hitasha Mehta
Hitasha Mehta

July 13

image of How to be Productive with Timeboxing?
How to be Productive with Timeboxing?

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An Introduction to Time Boxing. Learn how Teamcal Ai can help you create a Timebox for your Team and align them with goals

image of Suman Gujju
Suman Gujju

June 23

image of TeamcalAi vs Chili Piper
TeamcalAi vs Chili Piper

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What sets the two scheduling tools apart?

image of Suman Gujju
Suman Gujju

June 22