

One Team at a Time

Ensures our support team focuses on one team at a time, providing dedicated attention until complete satisfaction is reached. This method allows us to offer personalized service, thoroughly addressing all needs and ensuring each team has the best possible experience with TEAMCAL AI.

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Dedicated Support
A team receives undivided attention from the support staff, ensuring that all issues or questions are thoroughly addressed.

Personalized Service
Each team's specific goals are catered to, allowing for customized solutions that enhance their experience and productivity.

Satisfaction Assurance
The support process continues until the team is fully satisfied, all concerns are resolved and the solution works optimally.


Are you concerend about:

  • Disruption to Workflow
  • Employee Adoption
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Data Security
  • Cost and ROI
  • Scalability
  • Support and Maintenance


TEAMCAL AI is user-friendly and designed to integrate smoothly with existing workflows, and systems, minimizing disruption and resistance. We provide comprehensive training and resources to help your team adapt to the new system.


Disruption to Workflow

Minimum Disruption and Easy to Use Interface

We’ve successfully guided organizations through the transition with minimal disruption, thanks to our user-friendly interface and dedicated support team. By integrating seamlessly with your existing systems, our solution ensures a smooth adoption process.


Employee Adoption

We help you Onboard your Team

We understand the immense pressure you face in managing your team’s schedules effectively. Our team scheduling software is designed with leaders like you in mind, offering a streamlined solution to the complex task of resource management. We’ve helped companies similar to yours overcome challenges like scheduling conflicts and internal resistance to change.


Integration with Existing Systems

We help you integrate TEAMCAL AI in your workflow

Our onboarding and training module ensures that everyone on the team is able to install all the Workflow apps and use them.


Data Security

Your Security Is Our Priority

At TEAMCAL AI, security is our priority. We host data securely in AWS data centers with HTTPS encryption for safe communication. We also support Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for added protection. Currently, we're undergoing SOC 2 readiness to reinforce our commitment to data security. Learn more at https://trust.teamcal.ai.


Cost and ROI

Transparent Pricing, Tangible Savings

We offer a transparent pricing structure across our plans. TEAMCAL Sync starts at $15/user per month, InterviewSync is $20/user per month. and ClientSync is $35/user per month. By using ClientSync, a team of 11 (1 manager and 10 team members) can save an average of 36 hours per week, translating to an annual savings of $64,800. The cost of the ClientSync Plan for this team for a full year would be just $4,620. Learn more at https://teamcal.ai/roi



Scalable Solutions, Seamless Growth

Our scheduling software is built to scale effortlessly as your business grows. Start small with a team of 10 users and easily expand as your team grows—no disruptions, no extra setup required. Auto-scaling infrastructure ensures optimal performance, whether managing schedules for 10 or 10,000 users. Add new team members in minutes, and our flexible plans adjust to meet your needs without downtime or added complexity.


Support and Maintenance

Ongoing Support and Training

We’re committed to providing ongoing support and training, ensuring that you and your team can fully leverage the software’s capabilities. Let us help you improve coordination, increase productivity, and achieve a clear return on investment with our proven solution. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Get TEAMCAL AI in 3 Steps

With our One-team-at-a-time Guarantee


Understanding Your Need and Pain Points

Signup for Free Trial

We Setup an account for you to try with your team


Get feedback from your trial, customize and help you onboard

Stress Free Day

Enjoy the convenience of AI scheduling. You deserve it.